A fundamental JGSS-API bug?

Weijun Wang weijun.wang at oracle.com
Sat Jun 8 06:41:05 UTC 2013

On 6/8/13 12:20 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

>> The recommended way was
>>    while (!context.isEstablished()) {
>>       context.initSecContext(is, os);
>>       os.flush();
>>    }
>> When I say "easier", I mean it looks like there is no need to make any
>> application change and this method can just write KRB_ERROR into os and
>> *then* throw the exception.
>> But this is a behavior change and can be quite dangerous.
> Can the scenarios look like:
> 1. need to reject the negotiation in this round to call initSecContext;
> 2. generate a reject message, and mark that the negotiation is
> terminated, return as normal(no exception);
> 3. next round to call initSecContext(), as the negotiation has
> terminated, throw exception accordingly.
 > Is the InputStream a potential problem that we cannot do above scenarios?

On the contrary, this might work for inputstream method because we can 
just throw an exception right at the beginning of the next 
initSecContext call and needn't touch InputStream at all. But for the 
byte[] token method, the read is outside JGSS-API. Will there be an 
IOException? Or, will it read a token of another fallback protocol?

Also, everyone knows in Kerberos there is one AS-REQ and at most one 
AS-REP. Therefore I can imagine an acceptor application simply calls 
acceptSecContext once. If it does not throw an exception, everything is 
fine. This is not correct in strict JGSS-API, but it's quite possible.

>> I'd rather also write
>>    while (!context.isEstablished()) {
>>       try {
>>          context.initSecContext(is, os);
>>       } catch (GSSException e) {
>>          if (e.getOutputToken() != null) {
>>             os.write(e.getOutputToken());
>>             os.flush();  // in finally? not sure.
>>             throw e;
>>          }
>>       }
>>       os.flush();
>>    }
> The coding style looks really strange to me.  If need to send something,
> the initSecContext() should not throw exceptions.

Well, you can say the C function is also strange that it returns a token 
but also returns a failure status code at the same time.

> Per RFC 2853, a common usage of initSecContext is as:
>     do {
>         byte[] outTok = context.initSecContext(inTok, 0, inTok.length);
>         // send the token if present
>         if (outTok != null)
>             sendToken(outTok);
>         // check if we should expect more tokens
>         if (context.isEstablished())
>             break;
>         // another token expected from peer
>         inTok = readToken();
>     } while (true);
> I would like another approach if there is strong motivation to make the
> change.  That's, the initSecContext() does not throw exception when a
> reject message is needed (it should not, because reject message is the
> right message of a negotiation process). But we add a new method to
> identify the statue, isTerminated() or something similar.  Then the code
> is updated to:
>     do {
>         byte[] outTok = context.initSecContext(inTok, 0, inTok.length);
>         // send the token if present
>         if (outTok != null)
>             sendToken(outTok);
>         // check if we should expect more tokens
>         if (context.isEstablished())
>             break;
> +      // check if we should expect more tokens
> +      if (context.isTerminated())
> +          break;  // fail break;
>         // another token expected from peer
>         inTok = readToken();
>     } while (true);

This means every existing app needs to be rewritten. Otherwise, the 
result of that readToken() call will be unpredictable.

Also, I do believe many JGSS applications out there already have their 
own application-level error handling codes. If they switch to the 
GSSException::getOutputToken() method, that's good. Otherwise, no harm 
is made.


> Xuelei
>> and add a clarification to the method saying no bytes will be written to
>> os if there is a GSSException.
>> Thanks
>> Max
>>> --Sean
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Max
>>>> [1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2743#page-46

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