Code review request: 8009977: A test library to launch multiple Java processes (using krb5 as an example)

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Mar 13 11:40:19 UTC 2013


Does this overlap with the testlibrary for supporting muli-process tests 
that Katja Kantserova added recently?


On 13/03/2013 11:18, Weijun Wang wrote:
> /**
>  * This is a test library that makes writing a Java test that spawns 
> multiple
>  * Java processes easily.
>  *
>  * Usage:
>  *
>  *    Proc.create("Clazz")      // The class to launch
>  *        .args("x")            // with args
>  *        .env("env", "value")  // and an environment variable
>  *        .prop("key","value")  // and a system property
>  *        .perm(perm)           // with granted permissions
>  *        .start();             // and start
>  *
>  *
>  * The controller can call inheritIO to share its I/O to the process.
>  * Otherwise, it can send data into a proc's stdin with write/println, 
> and
>  * read its stdout with readLine, and stderr is redirected to a file.
>  ....
> Thanks
> Max

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