Allow configure to detect if EC implementation is present

David Holmes david.holmes at
Fri Mar 15 11:15:33 UTC 2013

On 15/03/2013 7:04 PM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> And as David pointed out, please notify me and Tim Bell when you push

If I am added to that list we will have global timezone coverage :) 
Though we should all see the push notifications anyway, it should 
minimize the window of potential breakage.

I think as long as the pushes are to jdk8/build that will also minimise 
risk. Where we had problems last week was where pushes went to jdk8/tl. 
That may still be needed in some cases, but for pure build changes 
jdk8/build is best.


> this so we may have a chance at keeping the Oracle internal configure
> script up to date. Also please avoid pushing on a Wednesday as that's
> when the integration to master happens and the likelihood of bad timing
> increases. I don't like this complication any more than any of you, but
> for the time being, that's the way it is.
> /Erik

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