Radomly Failed (RSA2013)

Bernd Eckenfels bernd-2013 at eckenfels.net
Sun Mar 24 19:43:38 UTC 2013


I am quite sure you received the paper directly, but nevertheless I want  
to be sure and point it out here on the list as well.


Kai Michaelis, Christopher Meyer and Jörg Schwenk  - Ruhr Uni Bochum

Abstract: This paper investigates the Randomness of several Java Run-time  
Libraries by inspecting the integrated Pseudo Random NumberGenerators.  
Significant weaknesses in different libraries including An-droid, are  

For the OpenJDK most of the critics was in regards of the size limited  
state pool for the SHA-1 generator. I guess the analysis of the entropy  
collector is not that relevant, and since SHA1PRNG is miving with native  
random on most platforms it is also not so critical. However when building  
a strong version for key generation the state space should be  
defined/observed in spec, I think?


PS: found this Paper via Kris Köhntopp, I think it is from the  
Cryptography Track at RSA 2013 conference.

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