Code Review Request for 8026943: SQE test jce/Global/Cipher/SameBuffer failed

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at
Thu Nov 14 16:20:38 UTC 2013

This looks good to me.


On 11/13/2013 04:43 PM, Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng wrote:
> Can someone help review my fixes for 8026943 "SQE test
> jce/Global/Cipher/SameBuffer failed"?
> According to Cipher javadoc, both its update(...) and doFinal(...)
> methods should be copy-safe, meaning the |input| and |output| buffers
> can reference the same byte array and no unprocessed input data is
> overwritten when the result is copied into the output buffer. In
> CipherCore class, this condition is not checked and thus leads to the
> scenarios of unprocessed input data being accidentally overwritten.
> I added checks to CipherCore class to detect this for both
> update(...)/doFinal(...) operations.
> DESedeWrapCipher class is also updated to not pass the same byte array
> for input and output when using FeedbackCipher objects.
> Also, removed similar handling inside CipherBlockChaining class as it's
> now handled at its caller level (CipherCore and DESedeWrapCipher classes).
> Webrev:
> Thanks,
> Valerie

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