[8] RFR 8028377: test/sun/security/provider/KeyStore/DKSTest.sh attempts to write to ${test.src}

Vincent Ryan vincent.x.ryan at oracle.com
Tue Nov 19 22:34:20 UTC 2013

Hello Valerie,

They get written to the scratch directory for the testrun so I
don't think it is necessary to delete them explicitly.
I'll confirm that.


On 19/11/2013 21:58, Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng wrote:
> If the test passed, these temporary files should be removed, shouldn't
> they?
> Thanks,
> Valerie
> On 11/19/13 07:29, Vincent Ryan wrote:
>> On 19/11/2013 14:30, Weijun Wang wrote:
>>> Why not just put the file in the current directory? That's the real
>>> scratch dir. Or the cfg file needs an absolute path?
>> Good point Max. The cfg file does require an absolute path so I've
>> changed the test to now write to {user.dir}.
>> And I've updated the webrev (in place).
>>> Also, is it necessary to remove the files in finally? If the test fails,
>>> the files will be retained by jtreg so we can look into the reason. Or,
>>> these lines are added to make sure the files are removable? But then I
>>> think File::delete will not fail if a file is not removable.
>>> Files::delete is better.
>> I previously encountered a problem when tests were running concurrently
>> but now that I write to {user.dir} I can remove that finally block.
>>> Thanks
>>> Max
>>> On 11/19/13, 22:16, Vincent Ryan wrote:
>>>> Please review the following test fix:
>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8028377
>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~vinnie/8028377/webrev.00/
>>>> It now writes temporary keystores in the test scratch area
>>>> (not the test source area).
>>>> Thanks.

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