Code review request, JDK-6956398, make ephemeral DH key match the length of the certificate key

Weijun Wang at
Wed Sep 25 08:44:26 UTC 2013

Please also update the CCC.

On 9/24/13 6:42 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
> new webrev:

1298: Should be "system property not defined".

1311: customize

1319: Read below

Overall, I think the comment is too long. :)


>> Why not throw an error when it's an illegal value?
> If it is a invalid integer (an integer between 1024 and 2048),
> IllegalArgumentException is thrown.


>> I think you can say something
>> like "Due to the limitation of underlying JCE providers, the actual
>> keysize of the ephemeral DH key generated could be smaller. The maximum
>> keysize for JDK 8 is 2048".
> Cool!

The two quotes above conflict with each other.

When I said "actual" I meant if a user sets the property value to 4096, 
the system might actually use 2048. If you want to throw an exception, 
your original words are better.


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