The future of Serialization

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Aug 13 13:13:45 UTC 2014

On 12/08/2014 10:03, Peter Firmstone wrote:
> Interesting, language features for modules, won't necessarily involve 
> ClassLoader's (my assumptions were based on existing systems) although 
> you'd expect modules to have their own ProtectionDomain.
I think it would be reasonable to expect to that you should be able to 
grant permissions to specific modules. This is something for a 
difference discussion thread of course.

> When is a better timeframe, roughly, to discuss Serializable?
I'm sure there isn't a best time that works for everyone that is 
interested in this topic. However, in terms of JDK 9 then it seems early 
enough to do the exploration and prototypes, and get moving on proposals.

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