Is it reasonable to compare outputs between JMH and hprof?

Bernd Eckenfels ecki at
Thu Dec 4 05:38:20 UTC 2014


I would use the power of JMH to test this with different array sizes and with and without provider instantiation. I did that a while back for MDC/MAC, and SHA256 is not that attractive anymore as SHA512 is faster (and with SHA512-256 not bigger)


Benchmark                               (bufsize)   Mode   Samples        Score  Score error    Units
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testHmacSHA1              1   avgt         3        0,005        0,001    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testHmacSHA1           1024   avgt         3        0,015        0,005    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testHmacSHA1        1048576   avgt         3        9,479        1,836    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testHmacSHA256            1   avgt         3        0,006        0,003    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testHmacSHA256         1024   avgt         3        0,021        0,010    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testHmacSHA256      1048576   avgt         3       14,211        2,847    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testHmacSHA512            1   avgt         3        0,009        0,002    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testHmacSHA512         1024   avgt         3        0,021        0,011    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testHmacSHA512      1048576   avgt         3       11,727       11,595    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testMD5                   1   avgt         3        0,001        0,001    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testMD5                1024   avgt         3        0,007        0,001    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testMD5             1048576   avgt         3        6,102        0,360    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testMD5Reuse              1   avgt         3        0,000        0,000    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testMD5Reuse           1024   avgt         3        0,007        0,004    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testMD5Reuse        1048576   avgt         3        6,210        2,319    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA1                  1   avgt         3        0,001        0,003    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA1               1024   avgt         3        0,011        0,018    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA1            1048576   avgt         3        9,446        0,750    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA1Reuse             1   avgt         3        0,001        0,000    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA1Reuse          1024   avgt         3        0,010        0,002    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA1Reuse       1048576   avgt         3        9,455        3,341    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA256                1   avgt         3        0,002        0,000    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA256             1024   avgt         3        0,016        0,008    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA256          1048576   avgt         3       13,938        2,390    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA256Reuse           1   avgt         3        0,001        0,001    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA256Reuse        1024   avgt         3        0,017        0,007    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA256Reuse     1048576   avgt         3       15,431       14,422    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA512                1   avgt         3        0,003        0,001    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA512             1024   avgt         3        0,015        0,010    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA512          1048576   avgt         3       11,532        1,528    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA512Reuse           1   avgt         3        0,002        0,000    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA512Reuse        1024   avgt         3        0,013        0,009    ms/op
n.e.t.j.HashBenchmark.testSHA512Reuse     1048576   avgt         3       10,801        2,124    ms/op

But to your question. They way the Profiler samples the stack and the fact that SHA1 and SHA2 are implementations with different depths, they are hard to compare. You would actually have to compare the time spent in high level methods (main/sig/update) not the low level code. And you need to run the test longer otherwise you see only startup/shutdown samples.

Besides that Profilers greatly influence the runtime and behavior, its not at all useable for micro benchmarkings (at least not unless you have less intrusive profilers like cpu counter assisted kernel stuff (Linux perf)). Somewhat related a recent article:

I see this:

    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
        int i=0;
        MessageDigest md256 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
        MessageDigest md1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
        for(int t=0;t<100;t++) {
        i = Arrays.hashCode(sig1(md1));
        i += Arrays.hashCode(sig256(md256));}

    static byte[] sig1(MessageDigest md) throws Exception {
        md.update(new byte[10000]);
        return md.digest();
    static byte[] sig256(MessageDigest md) throws Exception {
        md.update(new byte[10000]);
        return md.digest();

rank   self  accum   count trace method
  23  0.05% 99.25%     100 303130
  27  0.05% 99.45%     100 303096
TRACE 303130: line)$Delegate.engineUpdate( line) line)
	net.eckenfels.test.jmh.HashMain.sig256( line)
	net.eckenfels.test.jmh.HashMain.main( line)
TRACE 303096: line)$Delegate.engineUpdate( line) line)
	net.eckenfels.test.jmh.HashMain.sig1( line)
	net.eckenfels.test.jmh.HashMain.main( line)

The test runs 1s without and 40s with profiler. That does tell all IMHO.


 Am Thu, 4 Dec 2014 12:09:49 +0800
schrieb Wang Weijun < at>:

> Hi All
> I am comparing the difference of SHA-1 and SHA-256. First I wrote a
> JMH benchmark:
> @Benchmark
> public void sig1(Blackhole bh) throws Exception {
>     bh.consume(sig("SHA-1"));
> }
> @Benchmark
> public void sig2(Blackhole bh) throws Exception {
>     bh.consume(sig("SHA-256"));
> }
> byte[] sig(String alg) throws Exception {
>     MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(alg);
>     md.update(new byte[10000]);
>     return md.digest();
> }
> The output is
> Benchmark            Mode  Samples      Score      Error  Units
> o.o.b.Weird.sig1    thrpt        5  20984.435 ± 3356.455  ops/s
> o.o.b.Weird.sig2    thrpt        5  13130.330 ±  976.824  ops/s
> so the difference is there but not huge.
> Then I wrote a simple app with
> public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
>     int i = Arrays.hashCode(sig("SHA-1"));
>     i += Arrays.hashCode(sig("SHA-256"));
>     System.out.println(i);
> }
> static byte[] sig(String alg) throws Exception {
>     MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(alg);
>     md.update(new byte[10000]);
>     return md.digest();
> }
> and then profile it with -agentlib:hprof=cpu=times, and get
> SHA2    1 10.16% 10.16%     156 303276
> SHA2    2  6.91% 17.07%
> 9984 303274 SHA2    3  5.28%
> 22.36%    9984 303271 SHA2    4
> 4.61% 26.96%    7488 303269
> SHA2    5  4.20% 31.17%   29952 303273
> SHA2    7  3.79% 39.16%    7488
> 303266 SHA2    9  2.85% 44.99%
> 29952 303270 SHA2   13  1.90%
> 54.47%   14976 303267 SHA2   17
> 1.49% 61.25%   14976 303264 SHA2
> 22  0.81% 66.12%    7488 303265
> SHA2   23  0.81% 66.94%    9984 303275
> SHA2   25  0.81% 68.56%     156
> 303263 SHA2   27
> 0.68% 70.05%    9984 303272 SHA2
> 31  0.54% 72.63%    7488 303268
> SHA1   34  0.54% 74.25%     156 303224
> SHA1   43  0.41% 78.05%
> 156 303223 SHA2   60
> 0.27% 82.66%    2496 303262 java.lang.Integer.reverseBytes SHA2   61
> 0.27% 82.93%      64 303290
> SHA1  116  0.14% 91.06%    2496 303222 java.lang.Integer.reverseBytes
> These are calls with SHA (i.e. SHA1) or SHA2 in the stack (depth=4),
> and time for SHA2 vs SHA1 is 45.38% vs 1.09%. With such a small app I
> don't think SHA or SHA2 is called anywhere else. This is jdk9 b40.
> Why is the output so different from JMH? Is it reasonable comparing
> them?
> Thanks
> Max

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