Review Request for 9000142: loading unversioned native shared library

Florian Weimer fweimer at
Tue Feb 11 13:17:14 UTC 2014

On 02/04/2014 04:48 PM, Andrew Hughes wrote:

> As has already been mentioned on this thread, libraries should have their
> version increased when the ABI changes. Thus, a or later
> would indicate a different ABI to what the JDK PCSC code was written for.
> Now, it may be that the code also works fine with .2, but from my perspective,
> I'd rather the JDK fail with an error message and someone manually points it
> at a working .2 (and hopefully gives feedback that it's all good), than
> the JDK grabs any old version of the library and then crashes when the ABI
> doesn't match. That not only looks worse, but it's potentially harder to
> debug as well.

I still think it's better to remove the dlopen/dlsym machinery and use 
dynamic linking instead.

Florian Weimer / Red Hat Product Security Team

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