Bug 8028627

Bradford Wetmore bradford.wetmore at oracle.com
Mon Feb 24 20:40:28 UTC 2014

Are you referring to

8014369: Intermittently only some components refresh

This was submitted May 2013.

 > For a
 > general non-security bug, how can one add comments and updates?

If you are a OpenJDK contributor with a userid, you should be able to 
add directly to it using the JIRA instance, but if not, then I'd suggest 
writing to the appropriate group.  This is a AWT bug, so probably awt-dev?



On 2/23/2014 10:20 AM, Mickey Segal wrote:
> There used to be a way to add such comments directly to bug reports.  For a
> general non-security bug, how can one add comments and updates?  I have bugs
> submitted 4 years ago (e.g. http://bugs.java.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=8014369)
> that are still listed as "In progress" and I don't see any way to add a
> comment.
> Bradford Wetmore wrote:
> I've added the stack trace to the report.

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