RFR 8048511: Uninitialised memory in jdk/src/share/native/sun/security/jgss/wrapper/GSSLibStub.c

Valerie Peng valerie.peng at oracle.com
Tue Jul 1 16:22:44 UTC 2014

Changes look fine.

On 6/30/2014 6:07 PM, Wang Weijun wrote:
> Hi Valerie
> Please review a fix at
>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/8048511/webrev.00/
> A static code analysis tool is not happy to see the minor variable not initialized (if none of the ifs in lines 652-658 returns true) and used in the checkStatus() function. Although we know in that case major is 0 and checkStatus() won't touch minor at all, it's better to initialize minor to 0.
> Noreg-trivial.
> Thanks
> Max

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