RFR 8047765: Generate blacklist.certs in build

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Wed Jul 2 04:48:09 UTC 2014

Hi Max,

On 2/07/2014 1:46 PM, Wang Weijun wrote:
> Hi All
> Please review the fix at
>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/8047765/webrev.00/
> where the generation of blacklisted.certs is moved from developer-manual to build-auto. I copied the mechanisms from GENDATA_HTML32DTD.

Seems like a reasonable copy of the mechanism. I took a cursory look 
over the rest of the change, but this isn't my area.



+ # The line above must be the frist




37  * System.out. The input must starts
54                     throw new Exception("The first line must starts

starts -> start

73         // Output sorted for eye pleasure.

?? "eye pleasure"



> One thing I am not sure about is that if I update the tool a little, all tools are rebuilt and all gendata files are regenerated. Is this expected?
> Thanks
> Max
> an

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