Review Request for JDK-8030114: [parfait] warnings from b119 for JNI exception pending

Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng valerie.peng at
Thu Mar 6 00:53:59 UTC 2014

I still need a reviewer for integrating the changes for 8030114... Any 

On 02/21/14 16:41, Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng wrote:
> Good points, I have updated the webrev accordingly.
> The current callers of 
> Java_sun_security_smartcardio_PCSC_SCardGetStatusChange seems to only 
> pass 1 reader at a time, so I just moved the free call to a separate 
> loop as part of cleanup.
> Webrev is updated at: 
> Thanks,
> Valerie
> On 02/14/14 06:32, Florian Weimer wrote:
>> On 02/14/2014 01:30 AM, Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng wrote:
>>> Can someone please review the fixes which checks for pending exceptions
>>> in native code "pcsc.c"?
>>> The fix is straightforward for all except the changes under
>>> Java_sun_security_smartcardio_PCSC_SCardGetStatusChange(...) method
>>> which is somewhat complicated due to the need to free up memories.
>>> Webrev:
>> It seems to me there is a slight behavioral change in 
>> Java_sun_security_smartcardio_PCSC_SCardStatus.  I think the 
>> ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException is no longer thrown if the status 
>> array is too short.
>> The logic in Java_sun_security_smartcardio_PCSC_SCardGetStatusChange 
>> appears to be correct, but I wonder if it would be clearer to use 
>> calloc for allocation and avoid the interlocked i/j/k loop counters, 
>> at the cost of calling free on a few NULL pointers.

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