Review Request of JDK Enhancement Proposal: DTLS

Matthew Hall mhall at
Sat Mar 22 16:39:08 UTC 2014

Sorry about the hiccup. Supposedly the bug will work if you get in with user guest PW guest.

As for non Windows, I don't know a lot of Windows programmers, only malware analysts. So we'd need to ask somebody in Sun's porting group I think. Or if somebody has a contact at Microsoft.

Sent from my mobile device.

On March 22, 2014 8:30:28 AM PDT, christos at wrote:
>On Mar 21, 11:48pm, mhall at (Matthew Hall) wrote:
>-- Subject: Re: Review Request of JDK Enhancement Proposal: DTLS
>| The following bug and source code [1] are present in OpenSSL:
>This link is not public. Can you post a summary?
>| I think something similar could be done in the JDK, by making some
>tweaks to 
>| the SocketOptions classes to expose some more options. I'm pretty
>| something relating to this will work in POSIX JDK for Linux, Solaris,
>OS X, 
>| but not sure what different magic would be needed for Windows.
>| Then there could be some kind of way to generate the right discovery 
>| datagrams, figure out the result, and feed it to the DTLSEngine for 
>| packetization purposes.
>| Also, there is some DTLS capability in Bouncy Castle, we could see
>what they 
>| allow in terms of packetization as well, though I doubt they'll have
>| OpenSSL has, since IP_MTU_DISCOVER is probably not available to them
>| I am glad you guys are working on this... I already have some use
>cases in 
>| mind for it! :-D
>So what happens on !linux?

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