Review Request of JDK 9 Enhancement Proposal: AEAD/CCM Cipher Mode

Bernd Eckenfels bernd-2014 at
Mon Mar 24 23:59:39 UTC 2014

Am Mon, 24 Mar 2014 16:13:17 -0700
schrieb "Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng" <valerie.peng at>:

> Here is the enhancement proposal for adding CCM cipher mode support
> to JDK. For details, please refer to the following JEP:
> Comments or feedback welcome.

Sounds great, there is no mentioning of specific machine instructions
to speed up CCM (like PCLMULQDQ for GCM) or no relationship to the AES
intrinsic. It would really be a shame if (both) new modes cannot
benefit from typical hardware speedups. (especially when it is out of
scope for PKCS#11).

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