答复: RFR 8036779: sun.security.krb5.KdcComm interprets kdc_timeout asmsec instead of sec

Weijun Wang weijun.wang at oracle.com
Wed May 14 12:24:12 UTC 2014

On 5/14/2014 15:19, Xuelei Fan wrote:
> On 5/14/2014 2:04 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
>> What do you mean by detecting the platform? So if I find the file is
>> also used by NetBSD krb5 then I treat it as second and if not
>> millisecond?
> Yes.
>> That's quite impossible. In my opinion, it all depends on
>> how the writer is educated, Java or some else.
> The spec should be clear, and the writer should be well educated.  It
> cannot be a condition to update the implementation that the write is not
> educated.
>> How is this unsafe, especially compared to if we don't fix it? The only
>> bad thing is that if someone wants to set the timeout to be less than
>> 120 ms, now there will be no way to do it. But that should never happen,
>> right?
> My concerns is that it might happen. 120ms is not a small number, and
> 120s is not a big number in some circumstances.

120ms and 120s are possible values, but I doubt people will set them in 

> Alternatively, for better inerop, we can suggest to use explicit spec in
> the configure instead of guess the what the spec is.  Support two
> default specs is really confusing.

Unless we drop kdc_timeout and invent a new key name, we will have to 
deal with the correctness (sec) and compatibility (msec) at the same 
time. Yes, we can suggest people always adding a unit, but it looks most 
people simply put a bare number there.


> Xuelei
>> My comment in the bug mentions we can support "5s", but then I realize
>> it does not really solve the unit-less case.
>> Thanks
>> Max
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 发件人: Xuelei Fan
>> 发送时间: 2014/5/14 13:21
>> 收件人: security-dev at openjdk.java.net
>> 主题: Re: RFR 8036779: sun.security.krb5.KdcComm interprets kdc_timeout
>> asmsec instead of sec
>> This does not sound like a safe update to me.  Is it possible to
>> detected the actual kdc_timeout spec (for example, using the known
>> platform) of the underlying configuration?
>> Xuelei
>> On 5/14/2014 8:38 AM, Weijun Wang wrote:
>>  > Please review the code changes at
>>  >
>>  >     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/8036779/webrev.00/
>>  >
>>  > The problem is that Java treats kdc_timeout as milliseconds but others
>>  > (NetBSD here) might treat it as seconds. With this code change,
>> when the
>>  > number is <= 120, it's seconds, otherwise, milliseconds.
>>  >
>>  > One exception would be that someone thinking NetBSD style could set it
>>  > to 999 for a "maximum" timeout but the final result is less than 1
>>  > second. In that case, we should advise him/her to set it to 99999999.
>>  >
>>  > Thanks
>>  > Max

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