Code Review Request: 8063700 -Xcheck:jni changes cause many JCK failures in api/javax_crypto tests with SunPKCS11

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at
Thu Nov 6 22:37:54 UTC 2014

It looks ok to me although I think Valerie should also review it. Is it 
possible to add a simple regression test for this and not be dependent 
on the JCK tests?


On 11/06/2014 05:14 PM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:
> Hi,
> I need a review of this change to the pkcs11 wrapper code.  The changes
> allow encryption to work properly when -Xcheck:jni is called.   A recent
> change to -Xcheck:jni caused the failures to occur.
> thanks
> Tony

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