RFR 8061253: CCC 8043071 doesn't fully approve the change in JDK9b25

Wang Weijun weijun.wang at oracle.com
Mon Nov 24 08:59:56 UTC 2014

>> On Nov 19, 2014, at 22:10, Sean Mullan <sean.mullan at oracle.com> wrote:
>> On 11/18/2014 02:47 AM, Wang Weijun wrote:
>>> Re-request for code review at
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/8061253/webrev.01/
>> * Principal:
>> This should also be included in the @implSpec, is it? You might need another implSpec tag before this, or remove the <p> as it isn't really necessary.
> Looks like one is enough.

Is this OK?

>> * General
>> Sometimes you say "the Foo" and other times you say "this Foo". I think you should try to be consistent. I prefer "this Foo".
> OK, I'll go through it.

I've s/the/this/ed in all hashCode() and toString().

If you don't have other comment, I'll push it.


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