URLStreamHandler.getHostAddress() performance

Pavel Rappo pavel.rappo at oracle.com
Thu Nov 27 22:11:42 UTC 2014

Peter, thanks a lot for the link and such a detailed explanation. I've been working with URL/URLStreamHandler recently to make them "modularization ready" and have noticed some of the problems you were talking about as well. I do think we should make our best effort to fix it. Give me some time and I'll get back to this. Thanks.


> On 27 Nov 2014, at 20:17, Peter Levart <peter.levart at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Some time ago I dived into the sinchronization pitfalls of URL / URLStreamHandler and came up with a possible solution. Here's the thread (mostly just my comments) and a patch:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/net-dev/2014-July/008592.html
> Regards, Peter

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