Review request for CR 8049039 Need new tests for sun.securiy.x509 classes

raghu k.nair raghu.k.nair at
Thu Sep 18 07:33:12 UTC 2014

Hi Vincent / Jason,
   Please find the updated webrev with minor changes like re-using 
println method , possible NPE fixes etc.

Raghu Nair
On 9/11/2014 10:28 PM, raghu k.nair wrote:
> Hi Jason,
>   I have removed those lines from copyright headers. Here is the 
> updated webrev.
> Thanks,
> Raghu Nair
> On 9/6/2014 1:58 AM, Jason Uh wrote:
>> Hi Raghu,
>> Formatting looks good, but one last thing about the copyright 
>> headers. I noticed that in lines 7-9, you have the lines
>>   * ...  Oracle designates this
>>   * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
>>   * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
>> Can you remove that sentence? In general, I think the license that 
>> includes those lines is meant for source files, not for test files. 
>> If you look at other tests, you'll see that this final sentence isn't 
>> there.
>> Thanks,
>> Jason
>> On 9/4/14 6:54 AM, raghu k.nair wrote:
>>> Hi Jason,
>>>   Please review the updated webrev . I have addressed your comments.
>>> <>
>>> Thanks,
>>> Raghu
>>> On 9/3/2014 12:47 AM, Jason Uh wrote:
>>>> On 8/27/14 8:34 AM, raghu k.nair wrote:
>>>>> Hi Vincent / Jason,
>>>>>    Please review the updated webrev  based on Jason's comments.
>>>>>    webrev:
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Raghu Nair
>>>>> On 8/27/2014 9:43 AM, raghu k.nair wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Jason,
>>>>>>  Thanks for your review comments.
>>>>>> On 8/26/2014 11:37 PM, Jason Uh wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Raghu,
>>>>>>> I'm not an official Reviewer, but I have some comments, mostly 
>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>> 1. I'm not sure if this matters, but the formatting of your 
>>>>>>> copyright
>>>>>>> header is a little strange. The text appears to be correct, but the
>>>>>>> line breaks occur at non-standard places. If you look at any other
>>>>>>> file, the first couple lines would look like this:
>>>>>>> /*
>>>>>>>  * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights
>>>>>>> reserved.
>>>>>>> Again, not sure how important this is, but it applies to every file
>>>>>>> in the webrev. I'd suggest changing them.
>>>>>> This happened due to default formatting by Netbeans . I will correct
>>>>>> it.
>>>> I was actually showing the issue with the entire copyright header by
>>>> quoting just the beginning. Sorry if I wasn't clear, but it looks like
>>>> you only corrected the formatting on the first two lines. Could you
>>>> please redo the entire copyright header for all of these files? (You
>>>> can look at any existing test for reference and you'll see the
>>>> difference.)
>>>>>>> 2. checkMethod():
>>>>>>> Doesn't appear to be used anywhere. Do you want to keep this? If 
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>> do, could you add a comment to explain the parameters?
>>>>>>> Also, in general for the rest of the methods, there are a lot of
>>>>>>> parameters noted with the @param tag. If you want to leave those
>>>>>>> javadoc style comments in, could you please describe the params?
>>>>>> X509Test is used by many other tests ( appart from these tests as 
>>>>>> part
>>>>>> of the webrev). I will add comment and description for the params.
>>>> Minor detail, but there is an extra space in line 53 and 55 of
>>>> X509Test. Could you please remove them?
>>>> Otherwise, looks good to me, but you'll still need an official 
>>>> Reviewer.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jason
>>>>>>> 3. equals() and assertByteArray() both seem to be
>>>>>>> "assertEquals()"-style methods, but they are named a bit 
>>>>>>> differently.
>>>>>>> could you make the naming consistent? For example, maybe 
>>>>>>> assertEquals
>>>>>>> / assertByteArrayEquals.
>>>>>> Yes it make sense. I will make the necessary changes .
>>>>>> 4. getElementesTest() should probably read getElementsTest(). You 
>>>>>> use
>>>>>> this method in, by the way.
>>>>>> typo needs to be fixed.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Raghu
>>>>>>> Otherwise, I think the tests look good to me, but again, I'm not a
>>>>>>> Reviewer, so you still need an official review.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>>> On 08/25/2014 03:59 AM, raghu k.nair wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Vincent / Jason,
>>>>>>>>   Could you please help in reviewing the following test.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Raghu Nair
>>>>>>>> On 8/12/2014 10:28 AM, raghu k.nair wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>  Please review the tests for classes.
>>>>>>>>>  These cover tests for GeneralName, GeneralNames, GeneralSubtree,
>>>>>>>>> GeneralSubtrees, IPAddressName and 
>>>>>>>>> IssuerAlternativeNameExtension.
>>>>>>>>> webrev:
>>>>>>>>> Bug:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Raghu Nair

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