[9] RFR(S): 8067648: JVM crashes reproducable with GCM cipher suites in GCTR doFinal

Zoltán Majó zoltan.majo at oracle.com
Tue Apr 14 07:44:30 UTC 2015

Hi Johh,

thank you for the review!

On 04/13/2015 09:50 PM, John Rose wrote:
> On Apr 13, 2015, at 4:51 AM, Zoltán Majó <zoltan.majo at oracle.com 
> <mailto:zoltan.majo at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> please review the following patch.
> Good.  This line has a typo ("encrypBlock" = gang member induction 
> party foul?):
> +  * AESCrypt.encrypBlock method can be intrinsified on the HotSpot VM

Thanks for catching that. Here is the new webrev:


Best regards,


> — John

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