[9] RFR 8038084: CertStore needs a way to add new CertStore types

Valerie Peng valerie.peng at oracle.com
Tue Apr 28 22:55:37 UTC 2015


Thanks for the review!
Webrev has been updated at:

Can you please review the CCC as well? It's http://ccc.us.oracle.com/8038084

Thanks again,

On 4/27/2015 7:11 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
> Hi Valerie,
> Looks good, just a couple of comments:
> - URICertStoreParameters and JdkLdap.java: please remove the @author 
> tags, this tag is generally discouraged as the information can be 
> obtained from the source code history.
> * URICertStoreParameters
> Couple of re-wording suggestions:
> First sentence:
> "Parameters used as input for {@code CertStore} algorithms which use 
> information contained in a URI to retrieve certificates and CRLs."
> Second sentence: s/an URI/a URI/
> - add @Override tags to the toString and clone methods
> --Sean
> On 04/23/2015 06:40 PM, Valerie Peng wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> Can you please review the following fix?
>> Besides the new API and provider, I have also updated
>> LDAPCertStoreParameters to mention the new URICertStoreParameters class
>> per your suggestions.
>> 8038084: CertStore needs a way to add new CertStore types
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~valeriep/8038084/webrev.00/
>> CCC: http://ccc.us.oracle.com/8038084
>> Thanks,
>> Valerie

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