RFC JEP: NIST SP 800-90A SecureRandom implementations

Weijun Wang weijun.wang at oracle.com
Mon Aug 17 08:21:57 UTC 2015

Hi All

Please take a look at the draft JEP at


With this JEP, we'd like to add new pure-Java SecureRandom 
implementations to OpenJDK, which are based on DRBG mechanisms in NIST 
SP 800-90Ar1 [1].

According to 800-90C [3], RBG (SecureRandom in Java) consists of a DRBG 
and its Source of Entropy Input, most likely an Entropy Source [2] which 
is able to return fresh full entropy. This JEP introduced an 
EntropyInput interface but has not provided many methods (you might want 
getAvailability(), getRate(), setTimeOut(), etc). It will be enhanced in 
another JEP (possibly not in JDK 9).

All suggestions are welcome.


[2] http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/drafts/800-90/draft-sp800-90c.pdf
[3] http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/drafts/800-90/draft-sp800-90b.pdf

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