RFR 8056174: New APIs for jar signing

Weijun Wang weijun.wang at oracle.com
Mon Aug 24 13:56:57 UTC 2015

Hi All

Please review the code change at


A new JarSigner public API is introduced to OpenJDK. The code change 
chooses a two-layer implementation style, with public JarSigner/Builder 
in jdk.security and private JarSignerX/BuilderX in sun.security. The 
private side contains some unpopular options which I hope can be used to 
implement the jarsigner tool itself in another changeset.

Some spec clarification is made since my last mail [1], including 
Builder#sign, JarSigner#getDigestAlg, and JarSigner#getSigAlg. In 
Builder, I am still using should method names (sigAlg, digestAlg, and 
tsa) since I think the jarsigner option names are already widely 
accepted. Otherwise, a name like setDigestAlgorithm seems a little 



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