RFR 8073113: sun/security/pkcs11/MessageDigest/TestCloning.java failed due to CloneNotSupportedException: SHA-256

Anthony Scarpino anthony.scarpino at oracle.com
Mon Feb 16 19:57:41 UTC 2015

FYI, the bug number should be JDK-8043951.  The one I listed was the 
backport ID.  The link below is still valid

On 02/16/2015 11:51 AM, Anthony Scarpino wrote:
> I'd like a review for adding this TestCloning.java to the ProblemList.
> This change is not because of a functional problem in Java, it's because
> testing continues to occur on unpatched Solaris 10 machines for this
> Solaris bug.  The test will continue to run on Solaris 11, where the
> problem doesn't exist so we are not missing test coverage. Additionally,
> this is only going to JDK8u because Solaris 10 is not supported in JDK9.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ascarpino/8073113-8u/webrev/
> Tony

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