TLS ALPN Proposal v2

Xuelei Fan at
Fri Jun 5 12:36:25 UTC 2015

See more inlines, please.

Please help on one question I'm not sure of.  Per HTTP/2 specification,
Does H2 server allow fallback to HTTP/1.1 if client requests a HTTP/2
connection?  I did not find the answer from RFC 7540.

In TLS, if client requests to negotiate TLS v1.2, and server supports
TLS 1.2, it is not allowed to fallback to TLS v1.1.  If there is not
suitable cipher suite to negotiate TLS 1.2, the connection would be
terminated immediately.  I'm not sure what's the spec for HTTP/2,
HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0.

On 6/5/2015 4:05 PM, Simone Bordet wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 6:11 AM, Xuelei Fan < at> wrote:
>> I think it should be true that if a server can negotiate h2, the server
>> MUST support H2 and the enabled cipher suites MUST contains at least one
>> H2 required cipher suite.  Otherwise, it's bug in server side.
>> It's instinctive that if a server support h2, and then the application
>> protocol selector would select h2.  If the server declare to support h2,
>> but no suitable cipher suites, it may be a server bug.  The connection
>> should be terminated rather than downgrade to HTTP/1.1, I think.
> The server may support h2, but there is no valid h2 cipher in common
> with the client, so it's not a server bug.
Per RFC 7540, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 is a mandatory
cipher suite for H2.  The case is not expected that there is no cipher
in common.  It's a fatal error if there is no cipher in common.

> In that case, client and server cannot speak h2, but nothing forbids
> them to speak http/1.1.
> It would be really bad for the user experience if both client and
> server could speak http/1.1, but they don't just because they can't
> speak h2.
> They would appear like spoiled children :)
> The point of ALPN is to *negotiate* a protocol, not to give up on the
> first failure.
I cannot agree, ALPN is not a mechanism to tolerant incorrect protocol
implementation.  If H2 is bad implemented or bad deployed, terminate the
connection, rather than fallback to HTTP/1.1 is a better and safer user

>> Is it possible that client only request h2_valid_cipher_a, but server
>> only support h2_valid_cipher_b, and as would result in that there is no
>> common cipher suites between client and server for H2?  It is possible,
>> surely.  Should the connection be terminated, or fall-back to HTTP/1.1?
>>  I think connection should be terminated immediately, rather than
>> fall-back to HTTP/1.1.  Per page 68, section 9.2.2, RFC 7540, there is
>> an mandatory cipher suite (TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) MUST
>> be supported in both client and server.  If there is no common cipher
>> suites between client and server for H2, it is actually a bad
>> deployments, and the connection should be terminated rather than
>> fall-back to HTTP/1.1.  Version downgrading is not a safe behavior, I think.
> That is not what the 7540 expert group thinks, certainly not what
> browsers do, and certainly not what servers do.
> The behavior is to speak http/1.1 (or the next protocol that fits).
Hm, that what I want to know.  Do you mean that RFC 7540 expect a H2
server fall-back to HTTP/1.1 from HTTP/2 request?  See also my question
in the beginning.

Per my understanding, if server does not support H2, downgrade to use
HTTP/1.1 is allowed.  But if the server supports H2, is it still allowed
to use HTTP/1.1?  That may be the key for our discussion.

>> That's an interesting case.  The question actually is: between requested
>> application protocols and cipher suites, which preference should be
>> respected at first.  Because it is a application requirement that a
>> certain cipher suite is not suitable to H2, I think requested
>> application protocols should be respected at first.
>> My scenarios look like:
>> 1. client sends [h2_invalid_cipher, h2_valid_cipher] and h2/http/1.1
>> application protocol.
>> 2. server selects h2 (we need an API for the selection).
>> 3. server selects h2_valid_cipher because of h2 is selected previously
>> (may need an API for the selection).
> Does not work. How do you know that server has h2_valid_cipher available ?
> If it does not, you have picked h2, and an invalid cipher (breaks
> 7540), or you terminate the connection while instead you could speak
> http/1.1.
TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 is a mandatory cipher suite for
H2.  Per RFC 7540,
  "... To avoid this problem
   causing TLS handshake failures, deployments of HTTP/2 that use TLS
   with the P-256 elliptic curve"

>> In #1, if there is no h2_valid_cipher requested, it is a bug in client side.
>> In #3, if there is no h2_valid_cipher that can be negotiated, it is a
>> bug in server side, or the client does not enabled the mandatory cipher
>> suite (a bug in client).
> Does not work.
> The client may be using TLS 1.4, where that mandatory cipher suite
> (it's mandatory only for TLS 1.2 deployments) has been removed because
> insecure.
> There is no bug on either side, just no cipher in common.
I see you point here.  But new mandatory cipher suite would be defined,
that's the general SSL/TLS spec in order to avoid "no cipher suite in
common problem".

>> I still cannot understand the outcome.  I think, if there is no h2 valid
>> cipher in common, the connection should be terminated as there is a bug
>> in client or server side (see above).
> No, see above.
>> I'm not familiar with HTTP/2 protocol, can you share more scenarios that
>> application protocol selection depends on the cipher?
> It is evident.
> In all examples, yours and mines, every time we pick "h2" we have to
> look at the ciphers to see if it is a valid one for h2 or not.
> You cannot pick "h2" without looking at the cipher so there is an
> evident dependency.
In my preference, if a serve support h2, SSL/TLS should select h2 if
requested, without considering the cipher suite and other handshaking
attributes impact.

> If it's not the right cipher, you say "close the connection", while
> the implemented behavior of browsers and servers is to fallback to
> http/1.1.
> Either case, you have looked at the cipher and taken a decision based
> on the tuple (app_proto, cipher).
> In contrast, you can pick "http/1.1" and *any* cipher you want, you
> don't need to look at the cipher.
I need more information to understand the necessity. See my question in
the beginning.

>>> A bit of warning here: we are designing an API for ALPN, not for HTTP/2.
>>> The ALPN API should be flexible enough to implement *at least* HTTP/2,
>>> possibly even more complex scenarios (for example alias selection),
>>> but IMHO it should not be tied to HTTP/2.
>> Yes.  That's what I intended to do now.  It's very bad if application
>> protocol selection depends on the negotiation of TLS protocols, cipher
>> suites, or other handshake attributes, or other Chicken/Eggs dependence.
>> As would make the JSSE provider hard to be implemented, and the API hard
>> to be used.  That's what I want to avoid in JSSE layer.
>>> Again, I see 2 cases: either the JDK implementation picks the TLS
>>> protocol, the cipher and the alias like it does now, and then invokes
>>> the "callback" to pick the application protocol (current Jetty ALPN
>>> behavior), or the implementation must be reviewed to perform TLS
>>> protocol, cipher, alias and application protocol selection at once,
>>> with a "callback" that will be invoked possibly multiple times until
>>> it can find the right tuple to return.
>> The former has a drawback that the cipher may not suitable for the
>> application protocol.  It's application protocol define with cipher
>> suite is suitable (RFC7540), not cipher suite define which application
>> protocol is suitable.  So application protocol should be selected at
>> first, and let the specific application protocol determines the
>> negotiable cipher suite.
> That forbids any form of fallback to http/1.1, and it's not what it's
> intended by 7540, nor what has been implemented by browsers and
> servers.
I need more information to understand the necessity. See my question in
the beginning.

> IMHO would be very bad to kill the whole communication between a
> client and a server just because they can't speak h2.
> The whole world speaks http/1.1 no problem, so why now they could not anymore ?
Why now they could not anymore?  They should be able to do it as before.
 Nothing would impact this behavior, right?

> I understand h2 is preferred, but that should not stop a browser and a
> server to use http/1.1 if they can't use h2.
See above, I don't understand the behavior. Here is four cases:
1. Client HTTP version is 2, server HTTP version is 2.
2. Clinet HTTP version is 1.1, server HTTP version is 2.
3. Client HTTP version is 2, server HTTP version is 1.1.
4. Client HTTP version is 1.1, server HTTP version is 1.1.

#2, #3, $4 should use HTTP/1.1, and #1 should use HTTP/2.  Can #1
downgrade to use HTTP/1.1?  See my question in the beginning.

>> The latter made the TLS implementation pretty complicated.  It is even
>> not doable actually in general. Too much attributes need to be
>> considered if more handshake properties are involved, such as
>> certificate, key parameters, etc.
> I am not sure about the impossibility.
> IIUC, there are 4 parameters that needs to be negotiated: TLS
> protocol, cipher, alias and application protocol.
> The data in the ClientHello and the server configuration certainly
> allow for such a tuple to be generated, so it's not impossible.
> Sure, it may be really hard on the implementation.
;-) Nothing is impossible.  It's not only hard to implement a SSL/TLS
vendor, but also hard to implement the application-layer protocol
selector in practice.  If it is really necessary, surely we have to pay
for it.

> The current Jetty ALPN support has taken the shortcut that application
> protocol is negotiated after cipher selection.
> Sure, Jetty ALPN can't pick the protocol based on the alias for example.
> And it has to sort the ciphers in a HTTP/2 specific way to influence
> cipher selection to prefer those that would be good for HTTP/2.
> It's not perfect but works.
>> See also my previous mail about the rerouting requirement.
> Which I am not sure I understand.
> If the router decides the application protocol, it must have the
> correct logic,
> and the server can't choose anything.
> If the router routes to a server thinking that it would speak h2, but
> then the server does not negotiate h2, that means the router has no
> power in deciding anything.
> I am sure I am missing something from your example ?
> We have deployed a rerouting using HAProxy and Jetty in our own
> website a while back, using spdy (that has no cipher requirements).
> If spdy was negotiated we routed the traffic to one connector,
> otherwise to another connector.
> However, HAProxy was offloading TLS and was speaking clear text to the
> backend servers.
> Is that your scenario ?
No.  Thinking about the case that the router is a public router, and
know nothing about the server details except that it knows that the
server support HTTP/2.

>> I think application-layer protocol negotiation should happen before the
>> actually general-handshaking (TLS protocol, cipher suite, general
>> extension negotiation).  For any incoming ClientHello message, the
>> scenarios in server side is as simple as:
>> 1. select the right application-layer protocols.
>> 2. do the actual general handshaking.  If something failed, terminate
>> the connection.
> Nope.
> Imagine a server that overnight added h2 support.
> Yesterday a browser could open a page and browse the site over http/1.1.
I think you mean, yesterday, the client supports HTTP/2.  Otherwise, it
should not request HTTP/2.

> Today, the browser cannot even connect to the website (because you
> don't allow fallback).
I don't understand why the browser cannot connect to the website.  The
client supports HTTP/2, and the server also supports HTTP/2.  Should work.

> But if you use Netscape 4, you can actually connect and browse the
> site as before :)
Netscape 4 does not request HTTP/2, right?  Need no fall-back.

> Imagine how much the adoption of h2 would be popular if that was the case.
> Certainly the 7540 expert group did not want this.
>> I'm not familiar with HTTP/2, I'm open to hear more case why above
>> scenarios does not work.
> See above.


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