RFR: JEP 249 (OCSP Stapling for TLS)

Xuelei Fan xuelei.fan at oracle.com
Thu Jun 25 04:32:43 UTC 2015


A key/trust manager would better to be immutable.

private final ThreadLocal<Validator> clientValidator ...
private final ThreadLocal<Validator> serverValidator ...

ThreadLocal does not work here for some circumstance.  In AIO
programming, multiple connections may share the same thread.  Better to
keep key/trust manager and validator immutable.

I think, using the status as a validate() method parameter, rather than
update the validator status should work.


On 6/19/2015 8:27 AM, Jamil Nimeh wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a first cut at the OCSP stapling webrev posted for your review:
> JEP: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8046321
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jnimeh/reviews/8046321/webrev.0/
> A couple items to note:
>   * I'm in the process of updating the JEP with some more details.  I
>     should be done with these changes by tonight (PDT).
>   * Missing are some of the TLS end-to-end tests.  These tests have been
>     coded and run outside the jtreg framework, but for some reason
>     things hang in jtreg.  I've included some of the supporting classes
>     that these tests will use (CertificateBuilder.java and
>     SimpleOCSPResponder.java) so folks could review those if they're
>     interested.  I will update the webrev and notify the list as soon as
>     I've got the tests working in jtreg.
> Thanks to everyone who has helped along the way.
> --Jamil

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