Problems with CipherBox and AEAD

Thomas Lußnig openjdk at
Wed Oct 14 18:41:01 UTC 2015


the first point is this suite is maybe only draft, but it is used in 
chrome an the strongest suite supported in chrome.
GCM suites are only support in 128bit version,so this was the "request" 
to implement it.
The second point is yes this was the only technical problem to get it 
Other points where the problem that there are two different RFC vs DRAFT 
how to implement it.
But now i got it running. You can see it in action on 
. Since i use the code
from bouncycastle as basis for the CHACHA and POLY i can not publish the 
full source here.
But i think it was an good idea to point this out as an problem issue.

Gruß Thomas

Am 14.10.2015 um 00:54 schrieb Bradford Wetmore:
> Thomas,
> Out of curiosity, are you getting requests for this suite?
> Brad
> On 10/12/2015 7:14 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
>> Were ChaCha20 and Poly1305 based cipher suites accepted as IETF RFC?
>> Looks like the proposal was not moving forward since May, 2014.
>> Thanks,
>> Xuelei
>> On 10/11/2015 3:59 PM, Thomas Lußnig wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> when i extends "" with
>>>      final static BulkCipher B_CHACHA20_POLY1305 = new
>>> BulkCipher("CHACHA20_POLY1305", AEAD_CIPHER  , 32 ,32,  0,  0, true );
>>> i found an Problem in "
>>> Method "applyExplicitNonce" there for the AEAD_CIPHER case is an NPE if
>>> the IV Length is zero. Then fixedIv become null
>>> and there is an NPE. The Workaround for this is
>>>      final byte[] iv;
>>>      if(this.fixedIv == null) { // FIX for CHACHA
>>>          iv = new byte[this.recordIvSize];              // CHACHA fix
>>>          bb.get(iv, 0, this.recordIvSize);
>>>      } else {
>>>          iv = Arrays.copyOf(this.fixedIv, this.fixedIv.length +
>>> this.recordIvSize);
>>>          bb.get(iv, this.fixedIv.length, this.recordIvSize);
>>>      }
>>> Another problem would occour if i use "new
>>> BulkCipher("CHACHA20_POLY1305", AEAD_CIPHER  , 32 ,32,  8,  8, true );"
>>> Then in createExplicitNonce the nonce should become zero size but is
>>> fixed length for AEAD of 8 bytes.
>>> Both was seen in JDK-1.8.0_60
>>> Gruß Thomas Lußnig

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