RFR for JDK-8048604 : Tests for strong crypto ciphers
Valerie Peng
valerie.peng at oracle.com
Tue Sep 22 23:30:40 UTC 2015
Hi, Tristan,
The updated webrev addressed most of my previous comments except the few
that I noted below:
- Can u please make sure that all the Cipher objects are retrieved using
"SunJCE" provider? At least the AESPBEWrapper.java, CICOSkipTest.java
(there may be more as I didn't check all) didn't specify a provider when
calling Cipher.getInstance().
- both the proceedSkipTestUsingXXX() methods should check to ensure that
"SAVE" number of bytes are read.
- line 217 is redundant
On 9/21/2015 10:14 AM, Tristan Yan wrote:
> Thank you Valerie. Please review the updated version of it
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tyan/8048604/webrev.02/
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Etyan/8048604/webrev.02/>
> Cheers
> Tristan
>> On Sep 16, 2015, at 3:24 PM, Valerie Peng <valerie.peng at oracle.com
>> <mailto:valerie.peng at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> Can u please make sure that all the Cipher objects are retrieved
>> using "SunJCE" provider?
>> I noticed some inconsistencies here and there.
>> <TextPKCS5PaddingTest.java>
>> - line 94, 'provider' object should be used here.
>> - need @library tag to find the TestUtilities class, otherwise, the
>> compilation fails.
>> <PbeAlgorithm.java>
>> - variable "model" should be named "mode".
>> - nit: rename the class to PBEAlgorithm for consistency.
>> <AbstractPBEWrapper.java>
>> - line 98 has a typo, I think u meant "or" instead of "of"
>> <PBKDF2Wrapper.java>
>> - typo on line51: TANSFORMATION should be TRANSFORMATION
>> - line 94, why not just init with mode directly as in other Wrapper
>> classes?
>> <CICO_PBE_Test.java>
>> - line 63, variable name normally starts with lower case. Can u fix
>> it for better readability? Same goes for other PBE tests.
>> <CICO_PBE_SKIP_Test.java>
>> - the test class description is not very readable and contains a few
>> typos. Can u please double check?
>> - typo on lin 132 - decript
>> - both the proceedSkipTestUsingXXX() methods should check to ensure
>> that "SAVE" number of bytes are read.
>> <CICO_PBE_RW_Test.java>
>> - line 79 doesn't look right at all. The comparison should be made
>> against the output written to output stream instead of itself.
>> if (!TestUtilities.equalsBlock(plainText, plainText, TEXT_SIZE)) {
>> That's all.
>> Valerie
>> On 9/15/2015 8:15 PM, Valerie Peng wrote:
>>> Most of the tests are DES, DESede, and Blowfish and they are written
>>> in a way which won't work with AES due to the larger block size as
>>> the block size 8 is dispersed through out the tests instead of as a
>>> constant.
>>> At some point, I think we need to enhance these tests to cover AES
>>> instead of the legacy algorithms such as DES, DESede, etc. Can u
>>> define a constant for the block size and replace 8 with this constant?
>>> Some nit - If tests are already placed under CICO directory, their
>>> names do not need to contain CICO.
>>> Also, maybe u can just place the tests under
>>> com/sun/crypto/provider/CICO instead of
>>> com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher/CICO.
>>> <TestUtilities.java>
>>> - if my reading of the code is right, the equalsBlockSave(byte[] b1,
>>> byte[]b2, int bLen, int save) method compares b1 and b2 by chopping
>>> up b1 into blocks of 'bLen' and b2 into blocks of 'save', and then
>>> compare the first 'save' bytes of each block to make sure they are
>>> equal. line 59 looks incorrect - the number of blocks should be
>>> computed using b1.length instead of b2.length. The term "save" seems
>>> confusing too. Maybe "partial" would be more suitable? Or maybe
>>> changing "bLen" to "b1Len", and "save" to "b2Len".
>>> The description on line 50 could use some more words to explain what
>>> this method does without reading through the code.
>>> <CICOChainingTest.java>
>>> - after line 85, check that there are no further data available
>>> after reading "recoveredText".
>>> <CICODESFuncTest.java>
>>> - line 63, "is not exist" should be "does not exist" or "not found".
>>> - the comments on line 67-68 and line 77 seems contradictory to each
>>> other. Essentially, NoPadding is tested for all modes vs
>>> PKCS5Padding is tested for some modes.
>>> - the check from line106-110 should be moved up to right after the
>>> Cipher.getInstance() calls on line 97 and 98.
>>> <ReadModel.java>
>>> - line 74, instead of byte[] plainText, I think it's clearer to just
>>> have "int inputLen". The content of the input array is not used in
>>> any of the enum values, but rather just the length for output buffer
>>> allocation.
>>> - the variable "ci1" should really be named "ciIn" so that it's
>>> clear that this argument is the cipher associated with the
>>> CipherInputStream.
>>> <CICOSkipTest.java>
>>> - line 124, "blockLen" should really be "numOfBlocks".
>>> - Will LengthLimitException ever be thrown for this test? Given that
>>> you are only using default key length, I doubt the check on line 163
>>> will be true.
>>> - line 178-180 seems redundant? I think they can just be removed.
>>> - line 184, why is the key length check being done here again inside
>>> the same method? This one for sure is useless.
>>> - Instead of 2 constructors with comments indicating what ciphers
>>> they are for, it's better to just use static factory method. The
>>> implementation isn't that different, they both return a pair of
>>> ciphers. U can handle the different parameter type and secret key
>>> generation using a switch construct based on the specified algorithm
>>> 'algo'.
>>> - line 217 and 234, 45 should be 'save'
>>> <TextPKCS5PaddingTest.java>
>>> - the testPaddingScheme() method doesn't seem too useful as it is
>>> testing the PKCS5Padding inside the test class itself. How would
>>> this detect any regression in SunJCE provider? I understand that the
>>> test may have problem accessing the actual PKCS5Padding class inside
>>> the SunJCE provider, but still, copy-n-paste the internal class out
>>> into test class is meaningless. This test method and the
>>> cut-n-pasted classes should be removed.
>>> I will send u comments on PBE ones in a separate email.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Valerie
>>> On 8/12/2015 4:06 PM, Tristan Yan wrote:
>>>> Please be free review these new tests for strong crypto ciphers.
>>>> webrev : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tyan/8048604/webrev.01/
>>>> bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8048604
>>>> Thank you very much
>>>> Tristan
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