TLS ALPN Proposal v5

Simone Bordet simone.bordet at
Fri Sep 25 00:03:59 UTC 2015


On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 1:45 AM, Bradford Wetmore
<bradford.wetmore at> wrote:
> I think that a textual name will be better than:
>     // Output:$1 at 1b9e1916
>     System.out.println(ApplicationProtocol.H2);
> and there's no UTF-8 ambiguity.

Sure, but then I would just keep getNetworkSequence(), and remove
getProtocolName(), since toString() is sufficient.
To have to implement getProtocolName(), I see it as a
non-strictly-needed burden to developers that implement
I know of companies that want to use ALPN extensively because they use
many different communication protocols internally, so it won't be a
rare occasion to implement ApplicationProtocol.


I gather that the Map parameter can't be solved in other ways, right ?

Thanks !

Simone Bordet
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