TLS ALPN Proposal v5

Simone Bordet simone.bordet at
Fri Sep 25 15:13:46 UTC 2015


On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 4:48 PM, David M. Lloyd <david.lloyd at> wrote:
> Yes, you would have to add a method - *one* method - to SSLSocket/SSLEngine
> to specify the selected protocol; this would be done during setup before you
> initiate handshake (which is why you need to explore the Hello packet in the
> first place).

You also need to add another method to specify the cipher suite that
goes along with the application protocol.

We have already discussed this approach: it's the "tuple" approach
where the application is given the list of TLS protocols, the list of
ciphers, the list of application protocols, the list of aliases and
decides what is the right tuple, and return that to the JDK.

>> Also, what if the JDK implementation refuses to use the cipher you
>> chose along with the application protocol, for whatever reason ?
> Then you'd get an alert, I'd expect.

That would be wrong, because you could actually speak another protocol.

> But my point is that it's not the
> JDK's business to introspect the application protocol!  The JDK should only
> be looking at (TLS) protocol and cipher suite as it does today. It's up to
> the application protocol to determine if there are unacceptable cipher
> suites for that protocol.  Any other approach is inherently broken!  What if
> I add a new application protocol, and some cipher suites are unacceptable
> for it?  Should I just rely on the JDK for half the time?  Definitely not -
> the protocol implementation *must* be fully responsible for its own security
> policy.

I don't understand where you got the impression that the JDK has to
inspect the application protocol.

We are discussing an API exposed by the JDK to applications, exactly
because the application decides whether to accept or not the
combination of application protocol, cipher, etc.

Simone Bordet
Finally, no matter how good the architecture and design are,
to deliver bug-free software with optimal performance and reliability,
the implementation technique must be flawless.   Victoria Livschitz

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