OCSP clock skew configuration

Jamil Nimeh jamil.j.nimeh at oracle.com
Tue Sep 29 16:35:40 UTC 2015

Hi Usha, you might try setting the System property 
com.sun.security.ocsp.clockSkew.  It takes an integer value for the 
clock skew in seconds.  Give that a try and let me know how that works out.


On 09/29/2015 06:49 AM, Seshadri, Usha wrote:
> Hi,
> The following bug reports seems to indicate the OCSP validation code 
> should permit clock skew when checking the validity of OCSP responses.
> 1.JDK-674888 (Bug - affected version 6u11)
> 2.JDK-2166696 (Backport – fixed version 6u10 (b32)
> 3.JDK-2186994 (Backport – fixed version OpenJDK6 (b18)
> 4.JDK-2166740 (Backport – fixed version 7 (b41))
> I am using Java8, and would expect it to have all the above fixes. 
> Changing the value of “deployment.security.validation.clockskew” has 
> no impact on the OCSP certification validation. The certificate 
> validation always defaults to 15 minutes.
> What configurable property (and what file) controls the OCSP 
> validation clock skew? Any answer will be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Usha Seshadri
> Lockheed Martin, IS&GS
> 301-240-7496
> LM-logo

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