RFR: 8061842: Package jurisdiction policy files as something other than JAR

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at oracle.com
Wed Aug 10 18:19:39 UTC 2016

Hi Brad,

Looks pretty good. You should also send this to build-dev to review the 
Makefile changes. Just a few comments:

- src/java.base/share/conf/security/policy/README.txt

17 contain no restrictions on cryptographic strengths, but they must

s/must/must be/

18 specifically activated by updating the "crypto.policy" entry in the

s/entry/Security property/

33 Please see The Java(TM) Cryptography Architecture (JCA) Reference

Is "TM" really necessary here?


1 // Manufacturing policy file.

The term "Manufacturing" is odd. Can we just say this is the "Default 
local policy file"?

- src/java.base/share/conf/security/java.security

854 crypto.policy=policydir-tbd

The policydir-tbd value is a little confusing in that it isn't a real 
value. What about just setting this to the empty string?

- src/java.base/share/classes/javax/crypto/JceSecurity.java

  255         String cryptoPolicyDir = 
  256         Path cryptoPolicyPath = Paths.get(cryptoPolicyDir);

What happens if crypto.policy is not set or is set to ""?

302             // I/O error encounted during the iteration,



On 08/04/2016 03:35 PM, Bradford Wetmore wrote:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8061842
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~wetmore/8061842/webrev.00/
> The proposal is to move the configuration files from the jar files in
> <java-home>/lib/security to a series of subdirectories under a new
> "policy" subdirectory in <java-home>/conf/security.  Each subdirectory
> within that directory will represent a complete policy configuration.
> The existing jar files will be split into flat text files such that the
> current/existing policies remain.
> The default set of policy files (i.e. directory) is configured using a
> new java.security.Security property called "crypto.policy" which will be
> added to the <java-home>/conf/security/java.security file.  The default
> initial options are "limited" or "unlimited", however additional
> directories could potentially be created that specify other
> as-yet-unknown policies.
> The default value of this property will be "limited" which corresponds
> to our current policy for JRE/JDK export/import around the world.
> However, the build respects the following "configure" option:
>     --enable-unlimited-crypto
>                         Enable unlimited crypto policy [disabled]
> Within the directory, our implementation will look for files using the
> standard filename prefix above ("default_" or "exempt_"), thus new
> additional policy restrictions/abstractions can be added with a simple
> file addition.
> Brad

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