[9] RFR 8157579: com/sun/crypto/provider/Mac/MacClone.java failed on solaris12(sparcv9 and x86)
Sean Mullan
sean.mullan at oracle.com
Wed Aug 10 20:32:31 UTC 2016
On 08/09/2016 10:00 PM, Valerie Peng wrote:
> OracleUcrypto provider already separates them in two classes: The
> cloneable libMD digest impls are encapsulated by a class which
> implements Cloneable and the new un-cloneable Ucrypto digest impls are
> in a class which does not.
> I wasn't sure if we can safely assume that an instance supports clone
> when it implements Cloneable.
True, but I think those would be considered bad Cloneable implementations.
> So I thought better call clone() to be
> sure. Given your feedback, I have replaced the clone() calls with
> instanceof checks.
> Webrev updated: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~valeriep/8157579/webrev.02
Looks good.
> Thanks,
> Valerie
> On 8/9/2016 10:43 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
>> Or better yet, just change the ucrypto impl to not implement Cloneable
>> regardless what Solaris version you are on. Then you can just check
>> each MessageDigest impl to see if it is an instanceof Cloneable rather
>> than calling clone on each.
>> --Sean
>> On 08/09/2016 09:38 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
>>> Is there any way to split the Ucrypto MessageDigest implementation into
>>> 2 classes, one that implements Cloneable and the other which doesn't,
>>> and use the appropriate one depending on which OS version you are on?
>>> This way, instead of calling clone and catching
>>> CloneNotSupportedException, you could just check each MessageDigest
>>> object to see if it implements Cloneable.
>>> --Sean
>>> On 08/04/2016 10:01 PM, Valerie Peng wrote:
>>>> Anyone has time to review this fix? The code change is in only one file
>>>> and straightforward if you agree with the approach.
>>>> Starting S11.3 and S12, OracleUcrypto provider switched to new Ucrypto
>>>> APIs for message digest operations and there is no clone support.
>>>> This affects the MAC impls of SunJCE provider which delegates the
>>>> digest
>>>> operation to the most preferred provider.
>>>> To ensure the clone support, I will switch to getting the digest impl
>>>> from SUN provider if the most preferred one does not.
>>>> In the case of SUN provider is not available, it will then goes through
>>>> provider list.
>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8157579
>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~valeriep/8157579/webrev.00/
>>>> No new test as it's covered by existing regression test.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Valerie
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