RFR 8087144/8153146: sun/security/krb5/auto/MaxRetries.java fails

Weijun Wang weijun.wang at oracle.com
Tue Aug 16 15:52:07 UTC 2016

Please take a review at



    8087144: sun/security/krb5/auto/MaxRetries.java fails with Retry 
count is -1 less
    8153146: sun/security/krb5/auto/MaxRetries.java failed with timeout

The test fails because a timeout happens on a real KDC. If a retry is 
permitted, this retry is treated as unexpected (8087144), otherwise, a 
timeout exception is thrown (8153146).

The rewritten test does not always pursue for a single correct result. 
Instead, it encodes the test output into a string, and compares it to 
both an ideal exact result (real KDC never timeout) or a relaxed one 
(real KDC could timeout once for a while) and succeeds if either 
matches. The relaxed result is a regular expression.

Before this change, the stability of the test is guaranteed (although 
not successfully) by using a big timeout value (say, 5 seconds). Now 
that we have the relaxed match, I am thinking it can be smaller. The 
current code change uses BadKdc.setRatio() to change the effective 
timeout value to 1 second. The test execution time is reduced from 180s 
to 30s on my machine.

If the test still fails intermittently, maybe the relaxed match is not 
relaxed enough, or I should set a higher ratio. Let's wait and see.


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