RFR: 9: 8164229: Redundant "sun/net/www/protocol/https" tests in jdk_security3 group

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Thu Aug 18 07:51:24 UTC 2016

> On 17 Aug 2016, at 19:52, Rajan Halade <rajan.halade at oracle.com> wrote:
> On 8/17/16 11:36 AM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
>> On 17 Aug 2016, at 18:54, Rajan Halade <rajan.halade at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> sun/net/www/protocol/https tests are redundant in jdk_security3 group, these are included in jdk_net group.
>> Yes they are, but it is very important that anyone touching TLS verify
>> that HTTPS still works. If the jdk_net tests will be run to verity
>> such changes, then this should be fine.
> Yes, these are useful tests to run with https changes. I don't think they need to be duplicated in jdk_security group as jdk_security and jdk_net are part of core tests and with continuous integration system in place to run all tests with each changeset, this duplication is not required.
>> Out of curiosity, how many tests are in sun/net/www/protocol/https,
>> and approximately how long do they run for?
> There are 27 tests and I see each of those finish within seconds (max I saw was 8 secs for ReadTimeout.java).

Ok, thanks. No objection from me.


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