RFR 8164656: krb5 does not retry if TCP connection timeouts

Weijun Wang weijun.wang at oracle.com
Tue Aug 23 16:14:49 UTC 2016

Please review the change at


The old try-catch is only on send/receive, but NetClient.getInstance() 
could also timeout for TCP when it calls Socket::connect(dest,timeout). 
Therefore move the catch to a higher level.

The test is brand new and it's meant to replace existing BadKdc?.java, 
TcpTimeout.java and MaxRetries.java. In fact, I discover this bug when I 
am writing it. The new test is much faster because in most cases there 
is no real KDC and timeout can be very short. It contains 2 @run and 
each spends a little more than half a minute to run on my laptop.


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