RFR: 8061842: Package jurisdiction policy files as something other than JAR

Anthony Scarpino anthony.scarpino at oracle.com
Thu Aug 25 03:43:27 UTC 2016

Yuck lawyers :-)

I think the lawyers have already answered.  The huge explanation in the 
java.security file covers our responsibilities and where the user's 
responsibilities starts.  I believe what I'm talking about is just 
implementation details.


On 08/24/2016 07:08 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
> I guess we need a lawyer to answer this question. :-)
> On 8/25/2016 9:58, Anthony Scarpino wrote:
>> So by having no crypto.policy defined we have no JCA?  Does that mean no
>> operations at all (No MessageDigest, etc) or no restrictable crypto ops?
>> Since we know a limited number of countries have import issues, can we
>> make no crypto.policy property defined as unlimited policy?  Defining
>> the property would be for only limiting the access.  We could get rid of
>> the unlimited policy file and just ship a limited policy file.
>> Tony

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