[9] RFR: 8168423: Test Task: Custom system class loader + security manager + malformed policy file = recursive initialization

Sibabrata Sahoo sibabrata.sahoo at oracle.com
Fri Dec 2 13:25:41 UTC 2016



Please review the patch for,


JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8168423

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ssahoo/8168423/webrev.00/



This webrev address all possible cases for Classloader with SecurityManager having combination of valid/malformed policy file. This Test is going to fail until JDK-8168075 get fixed. In the mean time, it can be used to verify the fix for JDK-8168075.


Here is the generic Logic behind generating all possible Test cases with different combination of policy file, class loader and module types.

for(policyFile : {"NO_POLICY", "VALID", "MALFORMED"}) {

    for(classLoader : {"SystemClassLoader", "CustomClassLoader"}){

       // It uses possible set of regular/modular jars to generate all possible Test cases in -cp and -module-path.

        for(clientModuletype : {"STRICT", "AUTO", "UNKNOWN"}) {

            for(classLoaderModuleType : {"STRICT", "AUTO", "UNKNOWN"}) {

                 Create and run java command line for each possible Test cases and verify result.








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