RandomCookie problem ?

Thomas Lußnig lussnig at suche.org
Tue Dec 13 16:46:04 UTC 2016


even if the case is with the current time not active. Is it an good idea 
to define an fixed value
for random generator under special conditions that are time depending ?

Gruß Thomas


package sun.security.ssl;

     RandomCookie(final SecureRandom sr) {
         final long ts0 = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L;
         int ts1;
         if(ts0 < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { ts1 = (int)ts0        ; }
         else *{ ts1 = Integer.MAX_VALUE; }*
         this.random_bytes = new byte[32];
         this.random_bytes[0] = (byte)(ts1 >> 24);
         this.random_bytes[1] = (byte)(ts1 >> 16);
         this.random_bytes[2] = (byte)(ts1 >> 8);
         this.random_bytes[3] = (byte) ts1;
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