RFR: 8133085- Remove old style (pre-JDK 1.4) "new SunJCE()" provider calls in tests. Fails to compile.

Bhanu Gopularam bhanu.prakash.gopularam at oracle.com
Fri Jan 8 07:54:22 UTC 2016

Hi all,


Please review a fix for following bug:


Bug Id - https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8133085 


Issue - Some security regression tests are directly instantiating the security providers instead of using the registered providers. Most of the cases the issue can be corrected by using registered security providers which are available during execution and instance need not be created. 


Solution - Refactored tests which are directly instantiating the security provider to use the registered ones. Fixes also include couple of tests which run on Solaris environment. 




Webrev - http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ntv/bhanu/8133085/webrev/ 




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