RFR 8058778: New APIs for creating certificates and certificate requests

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at redhat.com
Wed Jan 13 13:51:57 UTC 2016

On 01/13/2016 07:44 AM, Wang Weijun wrote:
> Hi David
>> On Jan 13, 2016, at 8:08 PM, David M. Lloyd <david.lloyd at redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 01/12/2016 07:02 PM, Wang Weijun wrote:
>>> A new webrev at
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/8058778/webrev.09/
>> A couple of questions/comments...
>>> +    public interface Builder
>>> +            <S extends Certificate,T extends Builder<S,T>> {
>> What is the point of the "T" self-type variable?  It does not seem to be referenced.  Also the type parameters are not documented in the interface JavaDoc, or generally anywhere.
> If there were a mutator defined here, it could be written as "T setSomething()" so that when called in a child interface it can return the child type instead the base type. Will add some document.
> That said, I haven't applied this trick in X509Certificate.Builder, what if there is a 2nd-level child interface? I'll do some experiments.

In my experience, self-type parameters usually end up with trouble. 
It's easier/safer to just override mutators in sub-interfaces to return 
the more specific type.

>> Also in places like this....
>> [...]
>> ...it's using UOE for unsupported format, which doesn't seem right.
> It should be IllegalArgumentException, or a sub-type (although I cannot find one).
>> Also, it seems like you could check "type" up at the top.
> I can use Class#isAssignable.
>> The docs don't seem to specify whether the CSR block is consumed in the event of an invalid type Class being passed in.
> I just copied the existing spec for generateCertificate(), in fact in some places I haven't done s/certificate/certificate request/ yet!
> The current behavior is that it will consume one ----BEGIN...END---- block (with optional text before the block) or one DER SEQUENCE, or undefined if no such data structure are found. However, I am not sure if I need to document that as a requirement. Do you want any guarantee?

I think it's probably a good idea to at least document what happens in 
the event of various errors.

It would be nice if this could be turned into some kind of generalized 
PEM support some day...


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