An issue with keytool and PKCS11
Wang Weijun at
Thu Jan 21 00:36:54 UTC 2016
Can you add a -debug option and show me the full output?
You can also add a but I am not sure if the output is useful.
> On Jan 12, 2016, at 9:38 AM, Mark Joseph <mark at> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are a PKCS#11 vendor and we are in the process of integrating our C library with keytool and jarsigner.
> We are executing the following comand line.
> keytool -keystore NONE -storetype PKCS11 -storepass 12345678 -providerName SunPKCS11-P6Rtoken -providerclass -providerarg E:\work\SKC_OPT_2015_2\p6r.cfg -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -alias p6rsignkey -v
> We are doing this on Windows, and we are using the latest Java keytool out of the JDK.
> Our library is 64 bits and the Java version we have installed is 64 bits.
> Now what we are seeing is strange. The above worked one time with the key pair being generated and stored in our PKCS11 library.
> Then we reset everything and continued to do testing and the result was that keytool again created a Certificate and a Private key and placed them into our PKCS11 library.
> However, instead of finishing by creating the key pair by calling our PKCS11 library it just stopped and returned. There was no error or exception printed out.
> So we are stuck not knowing what is wrong? Any one seen this before or have a way we can see why the keytool is "aborting" out of running?
> Best,
> Mark Joseph
> P6R, Inc
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