AW: Bug JDK-8153924 "MSCAPI provider does not create unique alias names" should be fixed in 8u92, but...

Ivan Gerasimov ivan.gerasimov at
Tue May 10 12:13:15 UTC 2016

Thanks for the update!

Please let us know, if you encounter any problem with later 
releases/builds of JDK, which should include the fix.

With kind regards,


On 10.05.2016 14:55, Henselin, Dirk (A-GDTO-B4) wrote:
> Hello Ivan,
> Thank you for your quick response!
> I didn’t know, that there are different official builds. I only looked 
> at the version number and used the primary download at 
> <> 
> which is still b14, but the bug is fixed in b31. I assume that VW is a 
> Java SE customers, so hopefully I can get this build.
> Thanks a lot!
> Dirk
> *Von:*Ivan Gerasimov [mailto:ivan.gerasimov at]
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 10. Mai 2016 10:24
> *An:* Henselin, Dirk (A-GDTO-B4); security-dev at
> *Betreff:* Re: Bug JDK-8153924 "MSCAPI provider does not create unique 
> alias names" should be fixed in 8u92, but...
> Hello Dirk!
> On 10.05.2016 10:47, Henselin, Dirk (A-GDTO-B4) wrote:
>     … I still get the same alias for all of my 3 certificates, even
>     though I use 8u92.
> What is the build number of JDK in use?
> Could you please provide the output of `java -version`?
> If it's possible, could you also try the 8u102 early access release, 
> and see if the issue is replicated?
> It can be downloaded here:
> With kind regards,
> Ivan
> Code:
> /KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-MY", "SunMSCAPI");/
> /keyStore.load(null, null);/
> /System.out.println(keyStore.getProvider());/
> /List<String> keyStoreAliases = Collections.list(keyStore.aliases());/
> /for (String alias : keyStoreAliases) {/
> /System.out.println(alias + ";@" + System.identityHashCode(alias));/
> /}/
> Output:
> /SunMSCAPI version 1.8/
> /Henselin Dirk VWPKI B768543E5D512393;@14802193/
> /Henselin Dirk VWPKI B768543E5D512393;@564015/
> /Henselin Dirk VWPKI B768543E5D512393;@26856761/
> Thanks in advance!
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
> *Dirk Henselin
> *Diplom-Mathematiker
> AutoVision GmbH
> Major-Hirst-Straße 11
> 38442 Wolfsburg
> dirk.henselin at 
> <mailto:dirk.henselin at>
> <>
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Wolfsburg
> Amtsgericht Braunschweig: HRB 100516
> Geschäftsführung: Martin Rosik (Vorsitzender), Jürgen Klöpffer
> *Ein Unternehmen im Volkswagen Konzern | A Volkswagen Group Company*

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