RFR 8154005: Add algorithm constraint that specifies the restriction date

Anthony Scarpino anthony.scarpino at oracle.com
Fri May 13 16:04:45 UTC 2016

Hi Ivan,

I added your comments.. I had thought usePattern() wouldn't reuse the 
entry, but apparently the description is not the way I read it.

You comments are incorporated into the webrev.01 that I posted previously



On 05/12/2016 04:13 PM, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
> Hi Anthony!
> A few minor comments:
> *AlgorithmChecker.java*
> It would be more consistent to use {@code ...} tags in place of
> <code>...</code>
> *DisabledAlgorithmConstraints.java*
> 275 Matcher dmatch = denyAfterPattern.matcher(entry);
> 296 } else if (dmatch.matches()) {
> It might be a bit more efficient to reuse already declared `Matcher
> matcher` like this:
>      } else if (matcher.usePattern(denyAfterPattern).matches()) {
> With kind regards,
> Ivan
> On 13.05.2016 0:34, Anthony Scarpino wrote:
>> I've updated the webrev to at:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ascarpino/8154005/webrev.01/
>> Comments addressed below...
>> On 05/11/2016 04:55 PM, ecki at zusammenkunft.net wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> In AlgorithmChecker the Javadoc seems to not follow "@param name
>>> desc" format (in two places). Also it should most likely describe
>>> something like "time the signature claimed to be made to check time
>>> range limited ciphers after that date or similiar)
>>> * @param PKIXParameter timestamp (or null)
>> Thanks for seeing that.. I updated them.
>>> DisabledAlgorithmConstrained: The regular expression allows
>>> denyafter20160101 its clear, but \s+ might be clearer? Can optional
>>> iso  Idate seperators,  be added. "(\d {4})-?(\d {2})-?...."
>> I think I prefer to require '-' as standard syntax and not use
>> YYYYMMDD.  Sometimes YYYYMMDD not as clear to read as YYYY-MM-DD. I
>> would like to not have two valid formats.
>>> The lowercase constraint classes are rather strange, but fits into
>>> existing code...
>>> I dont see in the patch how the date param is certified. Is this only
>>> the issued date as certified (by the weak) signature or does it look
>>> at timestamps (especially codesigning) too?
>> The date is passed as part of PKIX, it's optional that PKIX can have a
>> date parameter set to specify a time date.
>> The date disallows a certificate with the disabled algorithm on that
>> date.  It does not check validity of the certificate.  This is meant
>> to shutoff the algorithm in certificate checking.  There maybe a
>> exception to this to allowing codesigning certificates a bit longer,
>> but that hasn't been completely decided yet.
>>> There are a few conditions which could be unit tested:
>>> RSA keySize <= 1024 & disablesAfter 20160101 SHA1 disabledAfter
>>> 20160102 // valid RSA disabledAfter 20160101 & disabledAfter 20160101
>>> // not valid Etc
>> Yes.  There are a number of tests that are in the closed test repo
>> because they use certificates that are not for public use.
>> thanks
>> Tony
>>> Gruss
>> >
>>> Bernd

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