RFR JDK-8000415: Add support for SHA-3

Valerie Peng valerie.peng at oracle.com
Fri May 13 19:50:02 UTC 2016


I have added the values to the exception message as u suggested.
As for the test vectors, I already put them (some of them) in separate 
internal tests for SUN and OracleUcrypto provider respectively.
PKCS11 provider is not yet updated with the SHA-3 support, when it does, 
it will has its own test for covering the test vectors.
Also Amanda from SQE will cover quite some more test vectors in her putback.


On 5/13/2016 9:00 AM, Seán Coffey wrote:
> Valerie,
> some comments on supportability of the new code. Some handling could 
> be improved to contain context perhaps :
> sun/security/provider/SHA3.java
> +        if (numOfPadding < 1) {
> +            throw new ProviderException("Incorrect pad size");
> Can we print the numOfPadding value ?
> +    private static long[][] bytes2Lanes(byte[] s) {
> +        if (s.length != WIDTH) {
> +            throw new ProviderException("Error: incorrect input size");
> can we print the relevant values of interest ?
> On the test front, are you planning to update these tests to cater for 
> the new SHA-3 algorithms ?
> ./pkcs11/MessageDigest/DigestKAT.java
> ./provider/MessageDigest/DigestKAT.java
> Regards,
> Sean.
> On 05/05/16 03:08, Valerie Peng wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can someone help reviewing the changes for SHA-3?
>> The result has been validated against the NIST test vectors (for 
>> BYTE-ONLY impls, i.g. input which are multiples of bytes).
>> The feature complete date is coming up in a week or two. So, if this 
>> can be reviewed in a week or so, that'd be great.
>> The changes for SUN providers are quite straight-forward, e.g. SHA-3 
>> digest impls based on FIPS PUB 202.
>> As for OracleUcrypto provider, Solaris SHA-3 support is through new 
>> libucrypto digest APIs (added in Solaris 12) instead of the libmd.
>> When running on Solaris 12, the new libucrypto APIs will be used. 
>> Otherwise, libmd will be used.
>> Changes for OracleUcrypto providers:
>> - add JNI code for the new libucrypto digest APIs
>> - code refactoring, e.g. move the libmd-related code to classes with 
>> MD suffix
>> - run-time mechanism number assignment (used to be hardcoded values)
>> - better error reporting
>> RFE: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8000415
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~valeriep/8000415/webrev.00/
>> Thanks,
>> Valerie

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