RFR 8157308: DRBG serialization fix

Wang Weijun weijun.wang at oracle.com
Thu May 19 08:21:25 UTC 2016

Please take a review at


Now that DRBG does not save any internal state during serialization, all DRBG implementations (HashDrbg, HmacDrbg, CtrDrbg) still extends SecureRandomSpi and contain quite some @serial fields. If some of them is corrupted a deserialized DRBG may run expectedly, it also prevents class evolution.

The fix is to make AbstractDrbg no more a SecureRandomSpi child so no more serializable. DRBG is still a SecureRandomSpi child and its only @serial field is MoreDrbgParameters mdp. MoreDrbgParamaters is also made serializable.

One new test is added. Since AbstractDrbg is no longer a SecureRandomSpi, its child class can no longer be registered in a SecureRandom provider, and the AbstractDrbgSpec.java test is removed.


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