RFR 8156059: Update/Develop new tests for JEP 287: SHA-3 Hash Algorithms

Rajan Halade rajan.halade at oracle.com
Fri May 27 00:09:16 UTC 2016

Thanks, I have no more comments.

- Rajan

On 5/26/2016 16:58, Amanda Jiang wrote:
> Hi Rajan,
> Thanks for your suggestions, I have updated tests with your comments. 
> For TestSampleLength.java, please see my reply inline.
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amjiang/8156059/webrev.03/
> Thanks,
> Amanda
> On 16/5/25 下午12:31, Rajan Halade wrote:
>> Hi Amanda,
>> Thanks for the update. Few more comments after review:
>> - TestSameLength.java: line 93-103, check here should use provider 
>> used with test instance of MessageDigest, call md.getProvider(). You 
>> will need to reorganize test code for this. Security.getProvider() 
>> returns provider installed with specified name.
> the block in line93-103 is for checking if system supports SHA-3, not 
> related to a specific provider. md.getProvider() won't work since if 
> NSAE thrown, md = null.
>> - It will be good if you have a function isSHA3Supported() to check 
>> SHA3 supported or not
>> Same comments applies from other MessageDigest tests in your review.
>> Thanks,
>> Rajan
>> On 5/23/16 3:24 PM, Amanda Jiang wrote:
>>> Hi Valerie , Rajan,
>>> Thanks for reviewing the webrev.  I have updaed 
>>> UnsupportedProvider.java to check NSAE for SUN and OracleUcrypto 
>>> providers.
>>> Other tests has  been updated by Rajan's comments as well.
>>> Please check the latest webrev and let me know if there are any 
>>> other problems.
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amjiang/8156059/webrev.02/
>>> Thanks,
>>> Amanda
>>> On 16/5/19 下午3:31, Valerie Peng wrote:
>>>> True, I think the UnsupportedProvider.java should assume SUN 
>>>> provider to support SHA-3 and not allow NSAE.
>>>> OracleUcrypto provider only supports SHA-3 on Solaris 12 or later, 
>>>> so what you have is fine.
>>>> As for other tests, as long as SHA-3 algos are covered, it's up to 
>>>> you to make the enhancements that Rajan suggested.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Valerie
>>>> On 5/19/2016 3:18 PM, Rajan Halade wrote:
>>>>> Hi Amanda,
>>>>> I have following comments:
>>>>> - UnsupportedProvider.java line 55: this assumes that it is okay 
>>>>> to have NoSuchAlgorithmException for all providers.
>>>>> - Update MessageDigest tests to use RandomFactory from 
>>>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/jdk9/jdk/file/f8a3c1510f95/test/lib/testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary. 
>>>>> It logs seed information which will be helpful to reproduce failure.
>>>>> - Also, MessageDigest tests have no provider checks.
>>>>> Rest of tests look fine to me. Note, I am not a official reviewer 
>>>>> so please wait for official reviewer to integrate changes.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Rajan
>>>>> On 5/19/16 11:34 AM, Amanda Jiang wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> Please help to review tests for JEP287: SHA-3 Hash Alogrithms.
>>>>>> BugID: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8156059
>>>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amjiang/8156059/webrev.01/
>>>>>> Test Plan: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8068855
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Amanda

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