RFR 7004967: SecureRandom should be more explicit about threading

Wang Weijun weijun.wang at oracle.com
Wed Nov 2 12:47:45 UTC 2016

> On Nov 2, 2016, at 5:34 PM, Xuelei Fan <xuelei.fan at oracle.com> wrote:
> 1.  More specific
>   "A SecureRandom service provider can advertise that it is
>    thread-safe by setting the service provider attribute
>    "ThreadSafe" to "true" when registering the provider."
> A service provider may contains many services implementations.  May need to be more specific to set "ThreadSafe" for SecureRandom only, rather the full provider is thread safe.  For example:
>    map.put("SecureRandom.SHA1PRNG ThreadSafe", "true");
> Otherwise, a service provider need to make sure all services are thread safe, or all services implementation are not thread safe.

How about changing "A SecureRandom service provider" to "A SecureRandom implementation"?

> 2. "true" is the only true property value.
>    "If this attribute is not set or is "false", this class will
>     instead ..."
> If the attribute is set to "yes" or "hello, world!", I think it is the same as set to "false" per your current implementation.
>    "Otherwise, this class will ... "


> May need to update the implementation accordingly if you accept the comments.

Why update the implementation?


> Xuelei
> On 11/2/2016 3:27 PM, Wang Weijun wrote:
>> Ping again.
>> There is an updated version at http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/7004967/webrev.01/ with doc-only changes.
>> Thanks
>> Max
>>> On Aug 25, 2016, at 10:00 AM, Weijun Wang <weijun.wang at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> Please review the enhancement at
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/7004967/webrev.00/
>>> Basically, we want SecureRandom to be more efficient by removing all synchronized keywords from its public methods and let an implementation to take care of thread-safety (We already did some in JDK-8098581). On the other hand, we need to make sure that existing implementations that have not synchronized correctly to behave just as good as before.
>>> Therefore a new Service Attribute "ThreadSafe" is introduced. If you think your implementation is already thread-safe, set it to "true" and SecureRandom will be happy. Otherwise, don't set it and SecureRandom will continuously call your SecureRandomSpi engine methods in synchronized blocks.
>>> Thanks
>>> Max

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